

Decimal Binary Conversion
Name Symbol Measurement Name Symbol Measurement 1 Decimal = Binary
Kilobyte KB 103 Kibibyte KiB 210 0.97656
Megabyte MB 106 Mebibyte MiB 220 0.95368
Gigabyte GB 109 Gibibyte GiB 230 0.93132
Terabyte TB 1012 Tebibyte TiB 240 0.90949
Petabyte PB 1015 Pebibyte PiB 250 0.88818
Exabyte EB 1018 Exbibyte EiB 260 0.86736
Zettabyte ZB 1021 Zebibyte ZiB 270 0.84703
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
*Xylobabyte XB 1036 Xylobibyte XiB 2120 0.75232
* Unconfirmed size

use of binary-filesize, but shows decimal prefix.


250 GB-HDD, Windows shows 250*109 / 230 = 232.83 GiB

2 TB-HDD, Windows shows 2*1012 / 240 = 1.819 TiB

16 TB-HDD, Windows shows 16*1012 / 240 = 14.552 TiB

(if MS Windows displays, that your 1TB-HDD has ~931GB, everything is alright ;) )